The ListView Control

The ListView Control allows you to display a list or table so that you can display data from multiple records in a single Control. A ListView can only be used to display data, you cannot edit or input data in this Control. However, a user can select a row within the Control.


The row format for a ListView is defined within a Template. A Template allows you to design a layout which you assign to a ListView Control, indicating what data you want to display in the list and how it should be positioned within the rows of the Control. You can include pictures in the Template, for example to provide a visual guide to the type of data in each row or indicate status.

You can view and edit existing Templates from the Forms Pane, where you will find your Templates listed in the tree view after your forms. If you have multiple Target Platforms in a Project working in Linked mode, each Platform will have its own version of the Template allowing you to customise the layout on each different Platform and screen resolution.


When using a ListView on a device, if there are more rows of data than will fit within the vertical bounds of the control you can scroll through the list in the standard manner for the device.

  • The ListView Control doesn't provide column headings at the top of the list. If you want to display column headings, you can use Static Controls positioned above the ListView.


For information about how to define the contents and look of a ListView see Create a ListView Template.

For information about how to assign a Template to a ListView, see Assign a Template to a ListView.